Puzzles, also known as switches, temporarily block the access to parts of the base until the solution has been found. There are four types of puzzles: Single lever, three levers, 8-buttons code and 16-bars code. A puzzle is always associated with an encounter, and this encounter is always placed in a dead end somewhere on the other side of the blocking cell. The generator starts by finding a dead end for the encounter.
The blocking cellStarting from the dead end, the generator uses the root directions to go back a random number of cells between 1 and 16 times. When that location is reached, it looks at the surrounding cells and makes a decision.
The cupboardStarting from the blocking cell, the generator uses the root directions to go back a random number of cells between 1 and 8 times. At this points, it looks around the cell to find a wall that can be modified to have a cupboard. If found, the cell is modified accordingly with a random puzzle type.
The clipboardTo ensure the player finds the clipboard on the right side of the blocking cell, the cell numbers generated by the digger are used. The generator randomly picks a floor cell and compares its cell ID with the ID of the cell in front of the cupboard.
The generator ends by dropping a gold bag of 128 to 1151 pieces in the dead end where the encounter is.
Move the mouse pointer over the image to view the map before the change. In SuperCC, cells with a dot in each corner indicate an object on the floor. In the case here, each encounter of a puzzle has a gold bag on the floor and clipboards are scattered. The blue dots on the walls are the cupboards. |